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Running in Wine For those of us who run or as our only operating system, finding functional alternatives to programs can be pretty hard. When we need to run Windows programs, has long been a great emulation system that lets us do such a thing.
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Basically, it translates Windows functionality into the Linux equivalent to coding, so you can still play your Windows games, work in Photoshop, etc. Under Linux and, to a certain extent, Mac OS X. It's not perfect, however; running games from the on Wine is hit-or-miss, but it's possible. This article will explain how Wine works, and how to (maybe) play Windows Touhou games under Wine.
Before we start, this does require a little familiarity with the shell (or command-line interface). Contents. Installing Wine Linux.:. and:.:.:.:. Unmasking the git-fetching ebuild is recommend.
Adding =app-emulation/wine-9999. to /etc/portage/package.keywords should do the trick.
Do emerge -pv wine and check which version it wants to build (it should be app-emulation/wine-9999). Just be aware, building from Wine's Git repository might not actually work; the code is in constant flux. Mac OS X Using MacPorts If you already have MacPorts installed with all dependencies, simply run $ sudo port install wine to install with all dependencies. If you have yet to install MacPorts, refer to this. Using Homebrew Go and install if needed, then run $ brew install wine Using Wine Wine puts a hidden directory in your home folder,, which contains a full representation of a Windows folder hierarchy and miscellaneous library and system files. folder lives inside your home directory (/.wine). Inside is another folder called drivec, which is your Wine install's C: drive folder. If you browse inside this folder (/.wine/drivec) you'll probably quickly recognize it's contents from a standard Windows install. Generally, your Linux distribution will have assigned Windows executable to automatically start within Wine, so double-clicking a Windows executable should generally just work. But if not, you'll have to invoke Wine from your terminal. To do this, navigate to the folder that contains the executable and then invoke Wine.
$ Files/RandomProgram /.wine/drivec/Program Files/RandomProgram $ wine program.exe And that ought to start up your program. Running Touhou games Running a Touhou game is done the same way, only you might want to specify your locale while invoking Wine so it starts your game as a Japanese program to prevent some serious. This can be done by adding LANG='jaJP.UTF-8' before executing Wine. The example below took the installation of and ran th125.exe which is the game. $ Files/上海アリス幻樂団/ダブルスポイラー /.wine/drivec/Program Files/上海アリス幻樂団/ダブルスポイラー $ LANG = 'jaJP.UTF-8' wine th125.exe Note: If you are running the language patch version of the game ( enUS for example), you won't need no specify this unless if your system locale isn't enUS.UTF-8, specify LANG='enUS.UTF-8' before the command.
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session context was:(profile=epp.package.jee, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=). (I'm having similar issues with the BPMN2 Modeler plugin for Neon.). An old.ucls file. Unable to read repository at
Same applies to other language patch as well Running games as 32-bits version of Windows Due to the fact that some games still requires to run as 32-bits installation of Windows and the latest version of Wine usually installs as 64-bits, users need to change WINEARCH to win32. This is necessary if you want to install some missing components as demonstrated in the section below. It is recommended to change the Wine directory (normally /.wine) to something else and set WINEARCH=win32 before running the game. /.wine/drivec/Program Files/上海アリス幻樂団/ダブルスポイラー $ export WINEPREFIX = '/.wine32' /.wine/drivec/Program Files/上海アリス幻樂団/ダブルスポイラー $ export WINEARCH =win32 /.wine/drivec/Program Files/上海アリス幻樂団/ダブルスポイラー $ LANG = 'jaJP.UTF-8' wine th125.exe Installing missing native Windows components Although most Touhou games should run out of the box with the recent development of Wine, some games might experience instant crash when try to running through Wine. This is mostly because Wine cannot emulate all of the Windows libraries/DLLs therefore leads to missing libraries and such which leads to crash.
Before running the game, user should make sure that all necessary components are installed. There are some ways to achieve this: Using Winetricks is a helper script to aid in installing Windows components such as dlls, Windows runtime library. With winetricks, all installation of dlls and libraries can be done with merely a command. Start by installing Winetricks by following the installation instruction provided. After installation. We will install Execute this command to install 'd3dx936.dll'.
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$ winetricks d3dx936 Winetricks also have a GUI, which can be open by executing winetricks in the Terminal. Note: Some libraries such as dotnet40 requires to install in a 32-bits environment.
Copy the.dll from the Windows installation folder Another way to temporarily fix a partially-functioning DLL is to replace it with the original file from a Windows install. Here is the way to do it. Note: This was done on a 32-bit Vista installation mounted at /mnt/vista32. First off, to copy the file.
Wine's Windows folder is $ cp /mnt/vista32/Windows/System32/ This might be all you need for the new DLL to work. To make sure programs see it, we'll configure it within Wine. Wine has a configuration utility called winecfg; run it from your terminal and you'll see this: Click the 'Libraries' tab: Under 'New override for library', type d3dx936, and click 'Add' then 'Apply': Now you can click 'OK' to exit the utility, or peruse around the other tabs and settings.
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One issue with loading native Windows DLLs is that they may require original low-level Windows DLLs (i.e. Ntdll.dll) that Wine is emulating, and might not work. These are the core DLLs that Wine is emulating and cannot be replaced with native Windows DLLs, else you'll break your Wine folder.
Wine in Mac OS X Wine works similarly in OS X compared to Linux. One issue that Mac users may encounter is incredibly slow 3D graphics performance; this is due to Apple's X11 implementation not supporting hardware OpenGL in older versions of OS X (Tiger and below). If you encounter this, you may want to bite the bullet and upgrade. PC-98 Games Various emulators such as Neko Project II, T98-Next, and Anex86 all work pretty well under Wine in order to play the Touhou games. If you're into two-player with a gamepad, also works under Wine!
Touhou Pic For Macos
There's even a native port of Neko Project II for Linux and Mac OS X called. However, there are currently some sound problems that need to be investigated; using np2fmgen in Wine is recommended instead. Using VSync patches (and possibly other DLL-based patches) on Linux Note: Wine 1.6 seems to run the VSync patches natively. Only follow these instructions if you're using an older version of Wine, or if you get the Japanese error message that translates to 'DLL Injection Failed'. The (aka vpatch) disables VSync in the Touhou games to reduce input delay. It can also produce minor speedups, especially in. Running vpatch.exe in Wine cannot remove all input delay, as there appears to be some inherent input delay caused by running Touhou in Wine in the first place.
Normally, when vpatch.exe is run in Wine, a Japanese error message appears which essentially translates to 'DLL Injection Failed'. This is because Wine by default doesn't have the capability to modify running programs, which is what vpatch.exe requires. To give Wine this capability, run the following command in a terminal using sudo, su, or root. Setcap capsysptrace+epi /usr/bin/wineserver The directory for wineserver might vary based on the Linux distribution.
If no errors appear, the command was successful, and vpatch.exe should now run properly under Wine. Be sure to exit the terminal after running the command; using Wine with root privileges is. You can verify that vpatch.exe is working by loading a replay and holding the Shift key. If the FPS decreases from 60FPS to 30FPS, then vpatch.exe is working normally. This fix should also theoretically enable the use of other DLL-based patches, though none have been tested.
Note that this fix will give all applications running under Wine, including potentially malicious applications, the capability to modify running programs. If you're concerned about this, the following command will revoke the added capability. Main article:.
There are issues with joysticks. If you plug in your joystick while your Touhou game is running, it probably won't notice it. Make sure it's plugged in and working before running your Touhou game.
Installing English patches has been known to cause otherwise troublesome games to start working better. For and, (SWR/HSTS Wiki). Games running at triple or even quadruple times normally on danmaku games which made the game running faster than normal is common when running with Nvidia GPU. Try to limit the FPS to 60 by enable VSync or adding VBLANKMODE=1 before using primusrun or optirun if you are using a hybrid GPU setup. The Wine developers are constantly adding and fixing functionality, so while things are still iffy with Touhou games they're definitely improving. See below for a list of the current Touhou bugs on the Wine Bugzilla.
Outside the official games. Touhou doujin games are also hit-or-miss. Is a.NET game, so it should run natively in Mono. However, it's coded in part C#, part C, so it won't work without installing.NET and whatnot from within Wine. Works fine in Wine (Wine 1.7.20, MacOSX) 0.12m may or may not work - it worked better in older versions of wine, but crashes on start due to DirectX issues in later versions. Ph3 works fine with the exception of.mp3 files not running due to copyright issues on.mp3 files and the consequent inability of Wine to run them as they would normally be run.
(Wine 1.7.27, MacOSX) works fine in Wine.