Airlink Drivers For Mac
EDIT: ARGH, I managed to not post this in LAN and Wireless. Can someone move it please? Device: airlink awll6070 (usb wireless n adapter) dell inspiron 6400 kalyway 10.5.2 I have spent several days going through threads trying to find info on the airlink awll6070, which is a USB wireless n adapter. I.think. it uses the rt2870 chipset (based on some articles I found on Linux drivers for it). I've tried installing the 1.0.8 rt2870 driver for OSX 10.5 (from ralink site), but got nowhere.

Official AirLink101 USB Wireless AirLink 101 (Model AWLL3055) Free Driver Download for Windows 7, Vista, Mac OS. World's most popular driver download site. AirLink101 USB Wireless AirLink 101 (Model AWLL3055)(1871847) Free Driver Download (Official) for Windows 7, Vista, Mac OS.
I also tried the 1.0.1 driver for OSX 10.5 from ralink site. Neither one seem to make any difference. I tried booting with -f -v. I'm not sure what else to try at this point. Has anyone gotten an airlink awll6070 to work?
Here is the info about the device from OSX: 802.11n wlan version: 1.01 bus power: 500 speed: up to 480 mb/s manufacturer: Ralink Product ID: 0x3c27 Serial No: 1.0 Vender ID: 0x14b2 Any help is appreciated. Airlink awll6070 working driver for MAC OS X FOUND. It's the same driver for the Edimax EW-7718Un, go to the sight download the driver and it should work, it did for me.
You may have to configure in System Preferences (I can't offer more help than that). Download & Install 2. (just after rebooting) click on Ralink icon in dock to setup Note: I had to tinker with Network Settings in System Preferences to get it working Everyone at Insanely MAC has been so helpful, thank you so much, and I'm glad I can give back. I bought one of these at Fry's tonight for $15. I cracked it open and the chipset inside is a RT2770F.
Don't know if that helps or not. Ralink has OSX drivers for the 28xx chipset available for download, but does not specifically list RT2770 support. Meanwhile, they distribute a Win driver for RT2870/RT2770. Ralink does say, however, What's also cool is there are connections for an antenna wire. I dunno if all USB wifi adapters come with this, but it was neat for me to discover.
I am still building my Hackintosh, but bought this wireless adapter after doing a Google search on my phone from the store. The result that came up was Firemac's post that the driver was fouind and working using the Edimax driver, but that adapter is 300Mbps while the Airlink is 150Mbps. Crossing my fingers and hoping it will work. Airlink awll6070 working driver for MAC OS X FOUND.
It's the same driver for the Edimax EW-7718Un, go to the sight download the driver and it should work, it did for me. You may have to configure in System Preferences (I can't offer more help than that). Download & Install 2. (just after rebooting) click on Ralink icon in dock to setup Note: I had to tinker with Network Settings in System Preferences to get it working Everyone at Insanely MAC has been so helpful, thank you so much, and I'm glad I can give back Thanks a LOT Firemac. I have been trying to get wireless (or even the wired interface) working for a long time now.
Airlink 101 Driver Windows 7
Your post above helped me. I have one small issue though. After I install the driver, if I reboot, the settings are lost and I'm unable to see the USB Wifi interface.
Linksys Drivers For Mac
However, if I install the driver and keep the window which say 'Restart' open, I can access the internet. I am a complete Mac noob, so I wonder if I'm doing anything wrong here.